No. Name Version Publication date SDO Layer Lead country Country code Contact person RWS active NL-input required? Road authority stakeholder? OEM stakeholder? Market stakeholder? Status Related projects
ETSI TS 102 638 Basic Set of applications Definitions (BSA) Definitions 1.1.1 2009-06-29 ETSI Application Layer Wim Broeders n/a Yes Yes Yes No contribution
ETSI EN 302 637-2 Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) 1.3.2 2014-11-28 ETSI & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes No To be reviewed
ETSI EN 302 637-3 Decentralized Enviromental Notification Message (DENM) 1.2.2 2014-11-28 ETSI & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes No To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 894-2 Common Data Dictionary (CDD) 1.2.1 2014-09-16 ETSI & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes No To be reviewed
ISO TR 20025 Probe Data Application and System requirements CEN/ISO & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes No Lead Contribute
ETSI EN 302 895 Basic Local Dynamic map (LDM) (Vehicle orriented) 1.1.1 2014-09-24 ETSI Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes No contribution
ISO TS 18750 Extended Infrastructure orrented Local Dynamic map (LDM) CEN/ISO Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Clarificaition of use
TS 102 890-3 / Whitepaper Position and Time ETSI n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed / Whitepaper
ETSI EN 302 636-1 Vehicular Communications; GeoNetworking; Part 1: Requirements 1.2.1 2014-04-29 ETSI Network & Transport n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI EN 302 636-4-1 GeoNetworking Media Independent 1.3.1 2017-08-23 ETSI Network & Transport n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI EN 302 636-5-1 Basic Transport protocols 2.1.1 2017-08-23 ETSI Network & Transport n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI EN 302 663 Profile standard on European on ITS G5 1.2.1 2013-07-05 ETSI Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 687 PHY/MAC Congestion control 1.2.1 2018-04-27 ETSI & IEEE Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 724 ITS G5 channel configuration 1.1.1 2012-10-29 ETSI Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI EN 302 571 Radiocommunications equipment operating in 5855-5925 MHz 2.1.1 2017-02-15 ETSI & IEEE Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 792 Mitigation techniques to avoide interference CEN DSRC/ITS-G5 1.2.1 2015-06-18 ETSI & IEEE Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
IEEE 802.11 Lower Layer specifications (ensuring ITS in 5.9 GHz) ETSI & IEEE Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes To contribute
ETSI EN 302 665 Communications Architecture 1.1.1 2010-09-24 ETSI Management Layer n/a Yes Yes No contribution
ETSI TS 102 965 Application Object Identifier: Registration list 1.3.1 2016-11-10 ETSI Management Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 867 Security mapping for IEEE 1609.2 1.1.1 2012-06-13 ETSI & IEEE Security n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Monitor change
ETSI ES 202 910 Identity management and protection in ITS ETSI Security n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 943 Confidentiality Services (and update) 1.1.1 2012-06-19 ETSI Security n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Monitor change
ETSI TS 102 942 Access control, secure and privacy preserving services 1.1.1 2012-06-19 ETSI Security n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
Car2Car-CC Profile release 1 including amenments 2014 C2C-CC n/a Yes To be reviewed
DUTCH X2X Minimum profile based on Car2Car CC Profile release 1 Dutch n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes To be created
White Paper Dutch Privacy and Security Dutch n/a Yes Yes To be created
White Paper RWW Triggering conditions ETSI Yes Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
White Paper Position and Time Yes Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
White Paper Vehicle Antenna specificatie (for the purpose of the RWW Vehicles) ETSI n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
White Paper ProbeData protocol and triggering conditions ETSI Yes Yes To be created
White Paper Data exchange safety protocol (s) as defined by the Dutch Architecture) for communcatio Dutch n/a Yes Yes To be created
White Paper RSU Antenna specification ETSI Yes Yes Yes Yes To be created
DUTCH RWW management process Dutch Yes Yes To be created
DUTCH Root Security and management related processes and backoffice Dutch Yes Yes To be created
DUTCH Certification (to be identified) Dutch Yes Yes To be created
TS 102 890-1 Service Anouncement Message (SAM) 1.2.0 2018-04-06 ETSI Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
TS 102 890-3 Position and Time ETSI n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes To contribute
New Work Item Multi Channel ETSI n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes To contribute
DUTCH software system management upgrating process Dutch Yes Yes To be created
ETSI TS 101 539-1 V2X Applications; Part 1; Road Hazard Signaling (RHS) app. req. spec. 1.1.1 2013-08-01 ETSI Application Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes No Contribution
ETSI EN 302 894-1 Facility layer structure 1.1.1 2013-07-31 ETSI & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes No contribution
ISO TS 17419 ITS-AID (Application ID) CEN/ISO & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes No contribution
ETSI EN 302 931 Definition of GeoAdres 1.1.1 2011-07-20 ETSI Network & Transport n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 941 Identity, trust and privacy ( and update) 1.2.1 2018-05-17 ETSI Security n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Monitor change
ETSI TS 103 097 Security header and certificate formats for ITS G5 1.3.1 2017-10-30 ETSI Security n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 890-2 Service Anouncement Message (SAM) ETSI & IEEE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes No updates forseen
Car2Car-CC Profile release 1 including amendments 2014 DUTCH & C2C-CC Management Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
DUTCH X2X Minimum profile based on Car2Car CC Profile release 1 DUTCH & C2C-CC Management Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
DUTCH X2X Depreciation considerations based on Connected Mobility expectations Dutch Management Layer n/a Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper Dutch Architecture Dutch Management Layer n/a Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper RWW Triggering conditions NWI & C2C-CC Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
White Paper Position and Time ETSI & C2C-CC Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
White Paper ProbeData protocol and triggering conditions C2C-CC Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper Multi Channel usage NWI & C2C-CC Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper Data exchange safety protocol(s) (as defined by the Dutch Architecture) for communication between roadside and second line back-offices Dutch Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper Vehicle Antenna specificatie (for the purpose of the RWW Vehicles) ETSI Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper Geo-dissemination over IP ETSI Network & Transport n/a Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper Dutch Privacy and Security Dutch Security n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
Dutch Processes RWW management process Dutch Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
Dutch Processes Root Security and management related processes and backoffice Dutch Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
Dutch Processes RSU location distributution Tooling Dutch Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Lead Contribute
Dutch Processes software system management upgrating process Dutch Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Lead Contribute
Dutch Processes Certification (to be identified) Dutch Access Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
ETSI New WI (TS) Channel Usage ( to realize proper access to the channels) ETSI Management Layer Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
ISO TS 17426 Contextual Speed (CS) CEN/ISO Application Layer Yes Yes Yes To be considered
ISO TS 17425 In Vehicle Signage (IVS) CEN/ISO Application Layer Yes Yes Yes To be considered
ETSI EN 302 637-1 Basic Set of Applications; Part 1: Functional Requirements 1.1.1 2010-09-07 ETSI & SAE Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Contribute
ETSI EN 302 894-2 Common Data Dictionary (CDD) RSU update 1.2.1 2014-09-16 ETSI & SAE Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Contribute
ETSI WI (TS) Facility protocols + communication requirements (for SPAT/MAP?IVI) ETSI, CEN/ISO & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
ISO TS 19321 In Vehichel Information (IVI) Dictionary and data frames CEN/ISO & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Monitor change
ISO TS 14823 Graphic data dictionary for pre-trip and in-trip information CEN/ISO & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Contribute
ETSI New WI (TS) Geo-dissemination over IP CEN/ISO & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Contribute
DUTCH X2X Extended profile based on Car2Car CC Profile release 1 (or 1.x) DUTCH & C2C-CC Management Layer Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper Extended Dutch Architecture DUTCH Management Layer Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper Extended RWW Triggering conditions ETSI, Dutch & C2C-CC Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper IVS application Dutch Facility Layer Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper IVI Triggering conditions ETSI, Dutch & C2C-CC Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Yes Contribute
White Paper ProbeData protocol improved triggering conditions ETSI, Dutch & C2C-CC Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
IVS management process Dutch Process & Responibility Yes Yes Lead Contribute
RWW extended management process Dutch Process & Responibility Yes Yes Lead Contribute
ETSI WI (TS) Location Referencing Service (LRS) ETSI & SAE Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Yes Contribute
SAE J2735 Signal Phase and Timing & map (SPAT/MAP) Message CEN/ISO & SAE Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Yes Monitor change
ISO TS 19091 Signal Phase and Timing & map (SPAT/MAP) Message CEN/ISO & SAE Facility Layer n/a Yes Yes Clarification of use
ETSI New WI (TR) Vulnerable Road Users (VRU)standardisation requirements ETSI & SAE Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
ETSI New WI (TR) Cooperative-ACC (C-ACC) standardisation requirements (murg assist) ETSI & SAE Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Yes Contribute
ETSI New WI (TR) Platooning standardisation requirements ETSI & SAE Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 890-1 Service Anouncement Message (SAM) 1.2.0 2018-04-06 ETSI & IEEE Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 890-3 Position and Time ETSI & SAE Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Yes Contribute
ETSI New WI (TS) Geo-dissemination over IP ETSI & Dutch Network & Transport Yes Yes Lead Contribute
ETSI New WI (TS) Multi channel DCC (Channel Message priority) ETSI, CEN/ISO & SAE, Dutch Access Layer Yes Yes Yes Contribute
Car2Car-CC Profile release 1 including amenments 2014 (when later than release 1.x) Dutch, C2C-CC Management Layer Yes To be reviewed
DUTCH X2X Connected profile based on Car2Car CC Profile release 1 (or 1.x) DUTCH & C2C-CC Management Layer Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper Connected Dutch Architecture DUTCH Management Layer Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper IVS extended applications Dutch Yes Yes Lead Contribute
White Paper IVI extended Triggering conditions ETSI, Dutch & C2C-CC Yes Yes Yes Yes Facility Layer
White Paper Connected Use-Cases such as VRU ETSI, Dutch & C2C-CC Facility Layer Yes Yes Yes Lead Contribute
IVS extended management process Dutch Process & Responibility Yes Yes Lead Contribute
other use-case supporting processes Dutch
ETSI EN 302 636-2 Vehicular Communications; GeoNetworking; Part 2: Scenarios 1.2.1 2013-11-07 ETSI Network & Transport n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI EN 302 636-3 Vehicular Communications; GeoNetworking; Part 3: Network Architecture 1.2.1 2014-12-11 ETSI Network & Transport n/a Yes Yes Yes To be reviewed
ETSI TS 102 637-1 Basic Set of Applications; Part 1: Functional Requirements 1.1.1 2010-09-07 ETSI Facility Yes
ETSI TS 102 894-1 Facility layer structure; functional requirements and specifications 1.1.1 2013-07-31 ETSI Facility Layer
ETSI TS 103 301 Facilities layer protocols requirements for I2V 1.1.1 2016-11-10 CEN/ISO Facility layer n/a under development
ISO TR 20025 Probe Vehicle Data? CEN/ISO Application Layer under development
ISO 26262-1 Functional Safety - Part 1: Vocabulary ISO
ISO 26262-2:2011 Functional Safety - Part 2: Management of functional safety ISO
ISO 26262-3:2011 Functional Safety - Part 3: Concept Phase ISO/AWI
ISO 26262-4:2011 Functional Safety - Part 4: Product development at the system level ISO/AWI
ISO 26262-5:2011 Functional Safety - Part 5: Product development at the hardware level ISO/AWI
ISO 26262-6:2011 Functional Safety - Part 6: Product development at the software level ISO/AWI
ISO 26262-7:2011 Functional Safety - Part 7: Production and Operation ISO/AWI
ISO 26262-8:2011 Functional Safety - Part 8: Supporting processes ISO/AWI
ISO 26262-9:2011 Functional Safety - Part 9: Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL)-oriented and safety-oriented analyses ISO
ISO 26262-10:2011 Functional Safety - Part 10: Guideline on ISO 26262 ISO
ISO 26262-11:2011 Functional Safety - Part 11: Application of concepts for semiconductors ISO
ISO 26262-12:2011 Functional Safety - Part 12: Adaptation for motorcycles ISO
TS 17427 Roles and responsibilities in the context of cooperative ITS based on architecture(s) for cooperative systems CEN ISO
No. Name Version Publication date SDO Layer Lead country Country code Contact person RWS active NL-input required? Road authority stakeholder? OEM stakeholder? Market stakeholder? Status Related projects